Inbal Megiddo

“I’ve been to a few Inbal Megiddo performances, and it never seizes to amaze me how they perform each song with such passion and enthusiasm, just as if it were the first time they were playing it live.”

“Cellist Inbal Megiddo was a brilliant soloist in Samuel Barber’s rather gloomy but affecting post war Cello Concert; a performance of the highest calibre… [The orchestra] played their hearts out…especially with the superb soloist in Megiddo.”
By Garth Wilshere

"Setting Ernest Bloch's darkly imposing Hebraic rhapsody Schelomo (Solomon) amid the more classical surroundings of Mozart and Mendelssohn brought a disparate feel to Friday's concert by the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra under principal conductor Gerhard Markson.
…It was, however, the awesome Schelomo that dominated the evening's experience, not least because of the impassioned and oratorical solo playing of Israeli-born cellist Inbal Megiddo.…Her line was so imbued with a quasi-vocal physicality, her empathy with the music's religious ardour so certain, and her expression so untrammelled, that nothing could come between the artist and her audience."
By Andrew Johnstone

"…It was the awesome Schelomo that dominated the evening's experience, not least because of the impassioned and oratorical solo playing of Israeli-born cellist Inbal Megiddo.…Her line was so imbued with a quasi-vocal physicality, her empathy with the music's religious ardour so certain, and her expression so untrammelled, that nothing could come between the artist and her audience."
By Andrew Johnstone

“Cellist Inbal Megiddo was a brilliant soloist in Samuel Barber’s rather gloomy but affecting post war Cello Concert; a performance of the highest calibre… [The orchestra] played their hearts out…especially with the superb soloist in Megiddo.”
By Garth Wilshere

“Megiddo's solos soared with a pleasing blend of soul and poetry. The highlight of the evening.”
By Singapore Straits Times

“...In Schelomo, the playing was wonderfully impassioned against the superbly eloquent cello of Inbal Megiddo. It was a deeply moving concert.”
By John Button

"[Megiddo] pairs intensity with an awareness of stylistic distinctions as keenly drawn between composers as within movements...So moving that listeners delayed applause."
By Cecilia Porter

"...her performance of Bach’s first Suite for Cello was superb. Never have I heard it played with such variety of dynamics and tone. The opening Prelude was a statement in which her playing overcame familiarity; its freshness was a delight. Megiddo's variety of tone and dynamics gave the music meaning. This was a splendid performance."

"She has a warm, lustrous communicative way...Her dexterity is considerable; her bowing curvaceous; her intonation accurate...
Ms. Megiddo’s sympathetic, nay, masterful, delivery was handsomely supported by David Stern."

"Megiddo’s playing, powerful and brilliant, kept attention focused where it had to be. Her end-of-first-movement cadenza was a truly virtuosic affair.”
"...eloquent focusing, no prisoners taken, no difficulty shirked, everything gathered up and swept along irresistibly. I scribbled things down furiously throughout the performance, some of which I was able to read afterwards – words like 'cinematoscopic!' and 'incendiary!'”

"[Megiddo] pairs intensity with an awareness of stylistic distinctions as keenly drawn between composers as within movements...So moving that listeners delayed applause."
By Cecilia Porter