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Inbal Megiddo
Recent Posts


The Popper Project - Collaborating with iClassical Academy!
I am very excited to be collaborating with the innovative learning and teaching online platform, iClassical Academy, to share a course on...

Cellophonia 2022!
It's happening! With guest artists from NZ (Ashley Brown, Dominic Lee) and the US (Prof. Amir Eldan, University of Michigan; Ian...

With the OW Cello Section
Joining the orchestra as Guest Principal Cello on means I get to play some amazing rep and have fun with the fierce OW section. Check us...

Finally, traveling internationally again!
After two and a half long years of being unable to travel outside of New Zealand, what better way to take the plunge than flying half way...

Schumann Concerto with Orchestra Wellington!
A very very wet day in Wellington, slips and landslides and road closures galore, meaning we almost didn't make it back to the concert...

Hollywood Composers: Musicians in Exile
Continuing the Covid tradition of online concerts, brought to you live from the Adam Concert Room at the New Zealand School of Music on...
Bach recordings
Continuing my journey through the suites with producer Wayne Laird and engineer John Neill for Atoll Records. Due to come out later this...

Te Koki Trio
Beethoven Triple Concerto this week, with my awesome colleagues, Jian and Martin, with the NZSM orchestra conducted by Ken Young. The...

Concert with Maestro Mintz
Today I had the honour and pleasure to perform with Maestro Shlomo Mintz. What a thrilling experience! I played the Nigun, by Bloch, and...

Starting the year with a week in New Haven and Boston
A very hectic week with cello classes at Yale School of Music and New England Conservatory, a talk about Music and Social Justice at...
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